Monday, March 21, 2011

feild trip to boring land (with awesome gift shops)

went on a field trip today. got to skip science, photography (:[ ), and Mr. Perry (TWICE :D). but before that i had to go to language arts (where me and Ana entertained ourselves by being weird and throwing paper at each other) and US history, where we took a really easy test. good thing i didn't skip that, because if i didn't do the test then, then there would be very little chance that i would try to make it up later.
ok, enough about that, lets get on with the feildtrip. we get on the bus and me and Rosa are listening to our music, and we start singing Touchin' On My by 3oh!3 (super inappropriate, but we don't care. we'll sing it on a school bus, cause we're just rebels like that) and Breakeven by The Script. now, Rosa and I are horrible singers, you see. but its ok, cause only our friends can here us. and its not like people are gonna record us, right? WRONG. turns out Ana was recording us on her phone. -_- well what ever, we were pretty funny sounding actually.
oh, and we had to share a bus with Sylvester kids. ew.
so we get to Highline Community College (that's where it was at. the whole thing was called 'Expanding Your Horizons' or something like that) and we gotta wait for like 20 minutes for the other schools to get there. but that was pretty fun, cause we got to talk, and Rosa went to the vending machine and got us drinks with Alyda's money. people don't get why i don't like regular coke...oh well.
oh but then... oh man. some boring speech was spoke. and do you know how long that speech was? according to the schedule, it was from noon to 12:40. 40 freakin' minutes long. sigh... i almost fell asleep. so, of course, me and Rosa were messing around the whole time. as usual.
then, off to my first session! Graphics and animation! it was ok.
then, to lunch. got a turkey wrap thing(?), lays chips, and a cookie. and i got to sit with all my friends. personally, i think that this was one of the more exciting parts of the day.
up next, design a house. only person i knew was Sahara. we were just talking about things the whole time, and i awkwardly called the stairs she made... sexy.
then, to the most boring session ever, 'Discover what its like in the World of Bussiness'. which was pretty much doing activities with our team. i did not know a single person. and this was the boringest(this,according to blog spot, and maybe the rest of the world, is not a word. but it is in Alyssaland) part of my whole day.
after that, we filled out a survey thingy, got a certificate that we had to write our own names on (idk where mine is), and CANDY! oh yesh. mini m&m's. delish.
then, we quickly ran up the stairs to the gift shop, where i foolishly decided to buy 2 pens, for 3.50 each. i quickly left with Ana, trying not to miss the bus. But, where was Rosa, Alyda and April? still at the gift shop. and everyone at our bus proceeded to wait for them until they got back. i suggested that we just leave them, as punishment for being late. but did they listen? no.
then, back to Sylvester to drop off the other kids. it was hella loud, hot, and you can feel every single bump in the road while riding a school bus. and, as usual in a bus, i got a humongous headache.
then we got back to cascade, and when i stepped off the bus and into the fresh air, i felt better. and then when Rosa left, i remember screaming something like 'I LOVE YOU ROSA, NOT IN THE CREEPY WAY! AND APRIL LOVES YOU, IN THE SEXUAL WAY' or something like that. i don't know if Rosa heard, because she didn't yell at me for being a perv.
yeah, so i actually thought that the best parts of the field trip were the bus ride there, lunch, and the gift shop (oh, so much school supplies at the gift shop. oh, yesh..:D), and not actually the workshops.. -_-. huh.


  1. i didn't know anyone in the first two of my workshops (claws, paws, and jaws i think and breath of life, ugh), but then i had careers in aerospace w/ rosa, gloria, and drew. it turned out the person was gone so we had a SUBSTITUTE! and had kitchen chemistry instead (oh yeah! >:D) and had an awesome time since a bunch of us knew each other. seeing those "models" wearing those clothes during lunch made me ashamed of my own closet. then at the giftshop i now realize how stupid i was going crazy with seeing all the stuff i could buy (so many knew pencils!). since my mom bought me a new backpack, i also have new pencils, a new folder, and some bracelets&necklace. being late was fun and we ran all around campus! hahahaha.......hah...

  2. dont feel ashamed of your wardrobe! i like your style! and all of those models were ugly anyways (no offense to models) !

  3. Hmmm... What to comment on...

    1. Depends on what stations you got. Sahara, Gloria, and I got the chemistry magic show and saw things blow up. And change colors. And blow up. And disintegrate, too. And blow up (A lot of things blew up, o.k.?)
    2. Uggh. Lunch was so short this time! The speaker took too long. Last year, the speaker made it a lot shorter so we had enough time to stay and listen, got a small motivational card, and went upstairs to the gift shop!
    3. But we got to hang out during lunch so yeah. :D Remember how you and me made comments about the outfits? (Slut, mostly.)
    4. My second station was "MATH IS FUN!" You can tell how well that ended up. -___- I got to play with a GPS that was connected to a sattelite and got candy, though, so yeah. :P
    5. I didn't get the certificate because I knew I'd lose it. :P
    7. On the bus ride, Lisi poked her eye with a plastic cup.
    8. I did but I didn't wanna comment in case my mom understood.
    9. Oh. One thing I forgot: WE SING BADLY. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?! >:D

  4. ahaha. how the hell is math fun? i dont get that. but whatever. oh, AND WE CAN SING BADLY AND NOBODY CARES, BECUASE WE ARE AWESOME LIKE THAT! SO NON AWESOME PEOPLE CAN SUCK IT!!

  5. man , seems like the field trip was interesting XD , so u love rose in a ur creppy way XD..

  6. why did you tell every 1 how me poked my eye with a plastic cup! now i'm embarrased... ^x^
