Wednesday, February 23, 2011

unedited photos vs. edited photos

Heyhey. As you guys may know, i am a photographer. and though photos are often beautiful without any outside help, sometimes you just need to touch them up a bit, to make them look perfect. i use the photo editing site called picnik. you can use it for free, or upgrade to picnik premium for a bit of money. its really handy for fixing up your photos.  below are some examples of edited photos and unedited photos:


 as you can see, the edited photo looks much more vibrant, with a wider variety of colors. i also cropped the photo, to improve my composition.

i only wanted one part of this photo, though it was very well composed, but i just wanted the rose so i cropped it, then i used the tint option to make it all tinted red, then i used posterize to do that other thing... idk how to describe it... watevs.


now you can see why i didn't put this on my photography blog. not really school appropriate.... but its was funny so i wanted to show it >:D
so as you can see, the original... kinda sucks. but when you add text to your photograph, it turns from boring to hilarious. i also made the colors less dull looking by changing the temperature and contrast.



now, this photograph was freakin awesome already, but when i used auto fix, it somehow made the corners get darker, which i thought was cool... I'm not sure why it did that though.... HEY WAIT A SEC, THESE AREN'T EVEN THE SAME PHOTOS! hold on....

the real unedited

there we go.. i took to many pics of the same mountains that they all look the same... i also changed the contrast because i wanted to make more of a difference in color between the mountains and sky. for some reason they all turned out a bit dull looking...
you can also add words that describe what you were thinking while taking the photo.


OK, i didn't take these photos. I'm not sure who took them. whoever it was, thank you, and please don't sue me. so, those of you who know me well know about my obsession with Adam Young, from Owl City. he's freakin sexy (don't make fun of me because i said that... or else i will hunt you down and i will slap your face so freakin hard...). so yeah, but i wanted to have the beautiful sky and pretty yellow balloon kinda pop out. so i again changed the contrast and temperature, then i changed the picture to black and white, but used that thing that only changes part of the photo to black and white. so Adam Young and the surrounding trees and black and white, while the balloon and sky were still in color. then i clicked on the 'ortin-ish' option. I'm not sure what it does, but it made it cool looking. so yeah, that's how i did this one.


now, the edited version of this one just seems more colorful than the other one to me. again, just changing the contrast. (and i freakin took this from like 15 feet away! MY CAMERA IS EPIC.)


 for this picture, i used the 'sepia' option. it kinda made it look like an old photograph, because most old photographs looked like that.

So there you go. unedited photos vs. edited photos. thanks for reading. and you guys should really check out picnik. there is a link up there at the top. >:{D <--- that thing right there is an evil little mustache man.... yeah :D.


  1. I was WONDERING why you make Adam Young so pale... turns out it was black and white. :P

  2. yeah. black and white be sexy on everyone... LMAO

  3. What editing thingy did you use!?! tell meh -_-"

  4. i know right? and hella sexy too XD
