Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sakura-Con 2011

that thing from Spirited Away
(only cosplay outfit I took a picture
of that isn't related to Black Butler)
On Saturday, with Anime Club, i went to Sakura Con, a popular anime convention in the area. It was really exciting, and there were so many interesting people there. There was one guy dressed as a piece of toast... XD it was funny.

And there was so many things to buy. I only had 40 dollars! All I could get was a poster of Ciel and Sebastian, and a giant wall scroll of Ciel and Sebastian (surprisingly the cheaper of the 2). Oh, and the cutest fan ever. white with a tree with pretty pink cherry blossoms all over it :D. In the smaller poster, Sebastian looks really cute XD AAAHH i just wanna hug him <3

Euntai took this one.
lol, they aren't looking at the camera...

poster I got. Sebby looks so cute...
Speaking of hugs, i hugged many strangers there. Yeah, i know, you shouldn't go around hugging random strangers, but whatever. It was worth it. Their costumes were so awesome! I hugged a giant Kon (from bleach) and some Pokemon I didn't know. But I don't have a pictures of them.... my only pictures are of people who cosplayed as Black Butler characters... ironically, I didn't get a chance to hug any of them D': I wanted to hug Sebby-chan!! WAAHHH! *falls into deep depression and cries while curled in the fetal position*

At least I wasn't like Euntai. He practically stalked, then attacked his unfortunate victims... it was creepy and hilarious at the same time.

left to right: Claude, Alois, Ciel, Sebastian, The Undertaker
 (from Black Butler for those of you who don't know)

There was tons of things to do there. There was a gaming room, where you could play a bunch of games based on animes. There was a room where you could buy anime/manga/posters/toys/cosplay outfits/etc. from vendors. There was also a room where artists could show off their works and you could buys drawings from them. You could also commission them to draw you anime style. And for some reason, there was also speed dating. There was speed dating for 18 and younger, I wish I would have went to that! I could have met some smexy/cute otakus... hmm maybe next time XD.

giant wall scroll I got. 31" x 43". huge.

I really think that cosplayers are cool. Its fun to see my favorite anime/manga characters walking around. But you know whats weird? I only saw one Sebastian that was actually a guy. You know how many I saw that were girls? At least 5. I find that weird... its probably because they guys know they can't actually measure up to Sebastian's good looks, therefore too self conscious to dress as him. Maybe the girls are a little more gutsy.

The only guy I saw dressed as Sebastian played the part well enough, though he was not anywhere near as sexy as Sebby (no offense guy, you aren't hammered, just not as sexy as Sebby-chan)... oh and I had to take all of the cosplay pics with my phone, because I left my camera at home like a dumb ass. Because of my crappy phone photo quality, you can't really see him all that well.

Oh and that reminds me. I saw many girls dressed as Ciel. Because you have to be either a young boy or a girl to pull it off. But i saw many girls cross dressing as Ciel, but in Ciel's dress, from when he was forced to cross dress.
So my question is, if you cross dress, as a cross dresser, is it still considered cross dressing?

the only male Sebastian I saw...

Are you still cross dressing because even though you are dressing in girls clothes, the person you are portraying is actually a man? Or are you not cross dressing, because you are wearing clothes that are meant for your own sex, not the opposite? Does cross dressing as a cross dresser cancel out the cross dressing aspect? Or not? Just a little philosophical question for you to think about when you get bored. Tell me what you think in the comments, if you wish.
same people as the one Euntai took. lol, look at
whats behind them... I didn't even notice this
when I took it... ahaha...

left to right : Madam Red, Ciel, Lizzy

I just noticed that this whole post is pretty much about Black Butler.... this is sad. but whatever, Black Butler is my fav., you guys should watch it / read it if you haven't already. Its really good.

So, going to Sakura Con for the first time was a really great experience. It was really fun, and there were so many things to do. I can't wait till the next one comes around :]

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

some songs you guys should listen to

heyhey. damn, haven't posted in over a week. sorry. even though i know no one reads this unless i tell them to..-__-"
 i just wanted to tell you guys what some of my fav songs are, and which songs i think are good. this is mostly for Rosa though, so she can listen to the songs i like so we can sing them horribly together. some of you may know alot of these songs (probably rosa) and some of you may have never heard of them. but, here we go:
  • Owl City - Enchanted (cover) (this is a song in response to Taylor Swift's 'Enchanted', which you might know, is about Adam Young)
  • Breathe Carolina - The Dressing Room
  • Mumford & Sons - The Cave
  • Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
  • Metro Station - Shake It
  • Marianas Trench - Cross My Heart
  • All American Rejects - Gives You Hell
  • Linkin Park - Waiting for the End (actually, pretty much anything by Linkin Park is good)
  • Owl City - Sunburn (also, anything by Owl City is good, its just the songs on here are my fav)
  • The Maine - Into Your Arms
  • Relient K - Candle Light
  • Swimming With Dolphins - Up in the Stars
  • Never Shout Never - Losing It
  • La Roux - Bullet Proof
  • Paramore - Ignorance
  • Owl City - Hot Air Balloon
  • B.o.B. feat. Haley Williams feat. Eminem - Airplanes
  • Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
  • Sky Sailing - Brielle (Adam Young's project before Owl City)
  • The Ready Set - Love Like Woe
  • Allstar Weekend - Come Down With Love
  • Owl City - If My Heart Was a House
  • We The Kings - She Takes Me High
  • Owl City - Hello Seattle
  • Owl City - Fireflies
  • Relient K - Be My Escape
  • Avril Lavigne - What the Hell
  • Owl City - Rainbow Veins
  • Sparks the Rescue -Autumn
  • Sky Sailing - Sailboats
  • We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet
  • 3oh!3 - Double Vision
  • Sparks the Rescue - We Love Like Vampires
  • Chistina Perri - Jar of Hearts
  • Relient K - Who I am Hates Who I've Been
  • Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love the Way You Lie
  • Cartle - Faster Ride
  • We The Kings - Heaven can Wait
  • Owl City - Cave In
  • The Script - Breakeven
  • Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
  • 3oh!3 - Touchin' On My
  • Plain White T's - Rhythm of Love
  • Never Shout Never - Trouble
  • The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved
  • Mike Posner - Please Don't Go
  • The Moog - When I See You
  • Cee Lo Green - F*ck You
  • Journey - Don't Stop Believing
  • DownTown Fiction - I just Wanna Run

Monday, March 21, 2011

feild trip to boring land (with awesome gift shops)

went on a field trip today. got to skip science, photography (:[ ), and Mr. Perry (TWICE :D). but before that i had to go to language arts (where me and Ana entertained ourselves by being weird and throwing paper at each other) and US history, where we took a really easy test. good thing i didn't skip that, because if i didn't do the test then, then there would be very little chance that i would try to make it up later.
ok, enough about that, lets get on with the feildtrip. we get on the bus and me and Rosa are listening to our music, and we start singing Touchin' On My by 3oh!3 (super inappropriate, but we don't care. we'll sing it on a school bus, cause we're just rebels like that) and Breakeven by The Script. now, Rosa and I are horrible singers, you see. but its ok, cause only our friends can here us. and its not like people are gonna record us, right? WRONG. turns out Ana was recording us on her phone. -_- well what ever, we were pretty funny sounding actually.
oh, and we had to share a bus with Sylvester kids. ew.
so we get to Highline Community College (that's where it was at. the whole thing was called 'Expanding Your Horizons' or something like that) and we gotta wait for like 20 minutes for the other schools to get there. but that was pretty fun, cause we got to talk, and Rosa went to the vending machine and got us drinks with Alyda's money. people don't get why i don't like regular coke...oh well.
oh but then... oh man. some boring speech was spoke. and do you know how long that speech was? according to the schedule, it was from noon to 12:40. 40 freakin' minutes long. sigh... i almost fell asleep. so, of course, me and Rosa were messing around the whole time. as usual.
then, off to my first session! Graphics and animation! it was ok.
then, to lunch. got a turkey wrap thing(?), lays chips, and a cookie. and i got to sit with all my friends. personally, i think that this was one of the more exciting parts of the day.
up next, design a house. only person i knew was Sahara. we were just talking about things the whole time, and i awkwardly called the stairs she made... sexy.
then, to the most boring session ever, 'Discover what its like in the World of Bussiness'. which was pretty much doing activities with our team. i did not know a single person. and this was the boringest(this,according to blog spot, and maybe the rest of the world, is not a word. but it is in Alyssaland) part of my whole day.
after that, we filled out a survey thingy, got a certificate that we had to write our own names on (idk where mine is), and CANDY! oh yesh. mini m&m's. delish.
then, we quickly ran up the stairs to the gift shop, where i foolishly decided to buy 2 pens, for 3.50 each. i quickly left with Ana, trying not to miss the bus. But, where was Rosa, Alyda and April? still at the gift shop. and everyone at our bus proceeded to wait for them until they got back. i suggested that we just leave them, as punishment for being late. but did they listen? no.
then, back to Sylvester to drop off the other kids. it was hella loud, hot, and you can feel every single bump in the road while riding a school bus. and, as usual in a bus, i got a humongous headache.
then we got back to cascade, and when i stepped off the bus and into the fresh air, i felt better. and then when Rosa left, i remember screaming something like 'I LOVE YOU ROSA, NOT IN THE CREEPY WAY! AND APRIL LOVES YOU, IN THE SEXUAL WAY' or something like that. i don't know if Rosa heard, because she didn't yell at me for being a perv.
yeah, so i actually thought that the best parts of the field trip were the bus ride there, lunch, and the gift shop (oh, so much school supplies at the gift shop. oh, yesh..:D), and not actually the workshops.. -_-. huh.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



The Freakin' Evil One was here (A.K.A. Rosa Mai, in case you idiots don't know!).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i ordered me some t-shirts

went on and ordered myself some freakin awesome Owl City t-shirts. gonna be here in 2 weeks, gonna where them everyday (exaggerating) and it is going to be so cool. i can't wait. im super happy. the only problem was the 4 shirts and the freakin 17 dollar shipping costs 88 dollars. and i have to pay my mom back, since i used her credit cared. bleh.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

writers block >:[

i don't know what to write about. my mind is blank. i need some ideas for new blog posts. leave your suggestions in the comments. thanks.

Friday, March 4, 2011


July 15. Paramount Theater. 7:30 to 10:30. ho damn. i am so going. if my mom will pay. and will take me. and if someone else goes with me too. i don't want to go alone. OH MY GOODNESS I CANT WAIT!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH :) :) :D :D :D :D YEEEEEESSSSSSSS WHHHOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:{D     click here to see the facebook page :)
and rosa, i meant u... :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Happy

There are a few things in life that make me just want to jump up and down with joy. and these are ten of them:
1) Music, without it, i don't think i would be able to get through my day.
2) Drawing, the best thing to do when bored.
3) My amazing friends, who i couldn't live without.
4) Listening to the sound of rain, which i find so very calming.
5) Photography, which allows me to capture a moment in time that i don't want to forget.
6) The official Owl City Blog, which is always very inspirational, funny, and beautifully written (i got this from there, thank you Adam <3).
7) Not failing at technology, which i often do.
8) Super Awesome Pens, that were worth the money.
9) The CSC after school programs I'm in, which are always fun and entertaining, and i am so glad that i got the chance to take part in these clubs.
10) Laughing, because there is no point in living if you can't laugh every once and a while.

And that is why i would like to thank everyone who has made these thing possible for me. i would like to thank every great band/musician out there. Thank you Hao, for getting me into drawing. i would also like to thank Rosa, Alyda, Sahara, Lisiana, and everyone of my friends out there. i don't know how i could survive without you. thank you mother nature, for providing earth with rain, and thank you to all other great photographers before me, and all who will come along after me. thank you Adam Young, for just being so awesome. You are so inspirational, and your music just makes me feel good :) thanks to my camera, for making it so easy to upload pictures to my computer. thank you Northwest Art and Frame, for every time i enter that store, i feel truly enchanted, and i realize just how many possible beautiful things there are to make. you make me want to stick around on this Earth for a long, long time, so that i will get a chance to see how i can make a few simple art supplies come to life. thank you to everyone in CSC, thank you Geo, Mrs. Brooks, and Mrs. Milleson. thank you to all the kids who attend CSC, and everyone who supports us. and, most of all, i would like to thank everything and everyone who had ever made me laugh. thank you, all of you. i mean it.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

unedited photos vs. edited photos

Heyhey. As you guys may know, i am a photographer. and though photos are often beautiful without any outside help, sometimes you just need to touch them up a bit, to make them look perfect. i use the photo editing site called picnik. you can use it for free, or upgrade to picnik premium for a bit of money. its really handy for fixing up your photos.  below are some examples of edited photos and unedited photos:


 as you can see, the edited photo looks much more vibrant, with a wider variety of colors. i also cropped the photo, to improve my composition.

i only wanted one part of this photo, though it was very well composed, but i just wanted the rose so i cropped it, then i used the tint option to make it all tinted red, then i used posterize to do that other thing... idk how to describe it... watevs.


now you can see why i didn't put this on my photography blog. not really school appropriate.... but its was funny so i wanted to show it >:D
so as you can see, the original... kinda sucks. but when you add text to your photograph, it turns from boring to hilarious. i also made the colors less dull looking by changing the temperature and contrast.



now, this photograph was freakin awesome already, but when i used auto fix, it somehow made the corners get darker, which i thought was cool... I'm not sure why it did that though.... HEY WAIT A SEC, THESE AREN'T EVEN THE SAME PHOTOS! hold on....

the real unedited

there we go.. i took to many pics of the same mountains that they all look the same... i also changed the contrast because i wanted to make more of a difference in color between the mountains and sky. for some reason they all turned out a bit dull looking...
you can also add words that describe what you were thinking while taking the photo.


OK, i didn't take these photos. I'm not sure who took them. whoever it was, thank you, and please don't sue me. so, those of you who know me well know about my obsession with Adam Young, from Owl City. he's freakin sexy (don't make fun of me because i said that... or else i will hunt you down and i will slap your face so freakin hard...). so yeah, but i wanted to have the beautiful sky and pretty yellow balloon kinda pop out. so i again changed the contrast and temperature, then i changed the picture to black and white, but used that thing that only changes part of the photo to black and white. so Adam Young and the surrounding trees and black and white, while the balloon and sky were still in color. then i clicked on the 'ortin-ish' option. I'm not sure what it does, but it made it cool looking. so yeah, that's how i did this one.


now, the edited version of this one just seems more colorful than the other one to me. again, just changing the contrast. (and i freakin took this from like 15 feet away! MY CAMERA IS EPIC.)


 for this picture, i used the 'sepia' option. it kinda made it look like an old photograph, because most old photographs looked like that.

So there you go. unedited photos vs. edited photos. thanks for reading. and you guys should really check out picnik. there is a link up there at the top. >:{D <--- that thing right there is an evil little mustache man.... yeah :D.

damn blogspot...

DAMN BLOG SPOT IS BEING STUPID. its making it complicated to upload photos. i put a photo on my post, then it just disappears.  i upload it again, and it doesn't show up. then, when i press 'preview post' it shows it like 3 times on the post! then when i go back to edit my post, its gone again. and it wont let me move the damn pictures, AND THIS THING IS FREAKING STUPID. damn it, I'm turning into Rosa... no offense, you're still AWESOME. UNLIKE BLOG SPOT.

Monday, February 14, 2011



im so bored